UE4/UE5 Open World AI Spawn System

An easy to use spawn system that will save you a lot on performance in open world games. Spawning and despawning are both taken care of by the Blueprints in this project, example AI is also included.

A system intended for bigger more open levels that makes it easier to spawn and de-spawn enemies without relying on a setup with a ton of trigger boxes.

This package contains a very accessible spawn system that you can easily combine with your own AI.

The spawn system makes sure that when your player is too far away from AI, it doesn’t exist. it’s only there when it needs to be there.

It also allows you to spawn different groups of AI and add randomization. It’s been made 100% in Blueprints and it’s easy to read/expand upon.

If you are working on an open world game, or a game with bigger levels this system will probably help a lot in performance.

Basic Example AI included in this package:

  • Roaming AI (Walk around to random locations within a set area)
  • Stationary AI (ex: vendors)
  • Path AI + Path system (An easy to use path system so you can set-up AI paths in a matter of seconds)
  • All AI can be friendly or enemy. (If it’s set to enemy it will behave as a simple Zombie AI)

Technical Details

List of Features:

  • A spawn and de-spawn system perfect for open world games.
  • Cleans up after itself to make sure it’s very performance friendly.
  • Example AI. (Friendly and basic zombie AI)
  • Well documented Blueprints and easy to expand upon with your own variables.
UE4/UE5 Open World AI Spawn System|cgshopee
UE4/UE5 Open World AI Spawn System
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