UE4/UE5 Defender: Top Down Shooter V2

Defender is a Action Shooter RPG Template with 410+ Blueprints such as Abilities, Player Screen, Stats, Inventory, Loot, Dialogue, Interaction, Firearms, Melee Weapons, Weapon Upgrade, Save/Load, Damage Text, Vehicles and also many masterpiece features

Technical Details

All humonoid characters are using UE4 Default Skeleton.

Number of Blueprints: 418

Number of Widget Blueprints: 65

Input: Keyboard & Mouse, Gamepad With Game & UI Support

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

UE4/UE5 Defender: Top Down Shooter V2|cgshopee
UE4/UE5 Defender: Top Down Shooter V2
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