UE5 Advanced Turn Based Tile Toolkit

Provides everything needed to start making your own turn-based strategy or tactics game on a grid.


• Grid based path finding with variable movement cost.

• Supports square and hexagonal grids, as well as multi-level, overlapping grids.

• Fully realized top down camera with mobile and keyboard support

• Build levels directly in the UE4 viewport, either through drag and drop or through an automatic algorithm.

• Intelligent, tactical AI.

• Visibility system.

• Supports large grids (up to ~10,000 tiles by default, with ways to extend further.)

• Advanced turned based tactics example map, with a cover and stealth system.

• Tactical RPG map.

• Stat and status effect system

• Top-down 2D dungeon crawler map, with fog of war and consumable items.

• Fully networked multiplayer.

• Designed to be flexible and allow for many types of TBS games.

UE5 Advanced Turn Based Tile Toolkit|cgshopee
UE5 Advanced Turn Based Tile Toolkit
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