UE4/UE5 Third Person Shooter Kit v2.1

Third Person Shooter Kit v2.1 serves as a base for third person shooter game. It’s a 100% blueprint project, with detailed features level and notes inside blueprints. It contains advanced mechanics like weapon system, cover system and robust AI.

v2.1 main features:

  • procedural ladder
  • melee weapons
  • melee AI combat behavior
  • enemy presets – civilian, knife stabber, suicider, shotgunner, melee
  • AI spawner
  • buddy AI behavior

Main features:

–          Cover system

–          Human AI (hostile and friendly)

–          First person aiming

–          Advanced weapon system

–          Impact system

–          Melee weapons system

–          Melee attacks system

–          Hit reaction system

–          Surveillance camera

–          Stationary and flying turrets

–          Items system

–          And much much more!

UE4/UE5 Third Person Shooter Kit v2.1|cgshopee
UE4/UE5 Third Person Shooter Kit v2.1
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