UE4/UE5 Stylized Toon VFX 2

The asset includes 10 unique toon effects.


IMPORTANT! The environment shown in the thumbnail is not included to the product and its only used for demonstration purposes.

Technical Details

Features: 10 high-quality effects made in Niagara.

Type of Emitters: CPU | Ribbon | Mesh Emitters

Number of Niagara Systems: 11

LODs: No

Number of Textures: 70

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 65

Number of Material Functions: 1

Number of Unique Meshes: 21

Number of Blueprints: 2

Supported Development Platforms: PC | Mobiles | Consoles | VR | WEB

UE4/UE5 Stylized Toon VFX 2|cgshopee
UE4/UE5 Stylized Toon VFX 2
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